Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney


At Selvarajah & Co, we specialise in creating Lasting Powers of Attorney, providing essential legal tools that empower individuals to plan for the future and ensure their interests are protected in the event of incapacitation.

Lasting Power of Attorney – Health and Welfare:

A Health and Welfare LPA allows you to appoint someone you trust (your attorney) to make decisions on your behalf regarding your health and personal welfare if you become unable to make these decisions yourself. This includes decisions about medical treatment, where you live, and day-to-day care.

Lasting Power of Attorney – Financial Affairs:

A Financial Affairs LPA enables you to appoint an attorney to manage your financial affairs, such as handling bank accounts, paying bills, managing investments, and selling property, should you become unable to manage them yourself due to illness or incapacity.

You have the option to create one or both types of LPAs, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

If you are considering setting up LPAs for health and financial matters, contact us today. Our knowledgeable team will explain the process, answer your questions, and assist you in safeguarding your future interests effectively.


NOTE: We are not VAT registered therefore, the fees quoted below are shown do not attract VAT. Additionally, the fees do not cover disbursements. Please see further below for information regarding disbursements fees.


FEES (VAT not applicable)

Lasting Power of Attorney (Health and Welfare)


Lasting Power of Attorney (Financial)


Lasting Power of Attorney (Health and Welfare AND Financial)



Disbursements are costs (i.e., expense), related to your matter that are payable to third parties. All above quoted fees do not include disbursements.

Find below a list of disbursements that will be payable in addition to the above quoted fees:

  • Registration fees – £82 (including VAT) per application (total for both Health and Finance – £164)
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